Wednesday 16 November 2011

Me and stuffs

Alright, yes, I do realize that I'm not the type of person to actually do a blog, BUT OH WHO CARES.

This blog will basically just be about me, and my life. And whatever else comes to my head. Expect to see some weird stuff, like openings for stories, and ideas for video games, and character information. And if your lucky, I might upload some artz.

But yes, this first post is basically telling you about me. Now lets see, what is there... I am:

  • Male
  • Called Michael
  • Lazy as all hell
  • A fan of video games in general
  • A massive fan of Steampunk
  • One of THE biggest fans of The Legend of Zelda
  • A Kingdom Hearts fan
  • A fan of Final Fantasy (Especially III/VI)
  • Australian
  • A member of Pokecharms
  • A Minecraft player
And several other things I can't be bugged to remember.

I like to say I'm insane, what with my random bursts of energy and meaningless phrases (One of my best was, 'Don't worry, I have a spoon!') and sometimes phrases that sound like some sort of serial killer had said it, e.g. My blog title.

Alright, away from the 'me' and onto the 'stuffs'.

We have twelve more days until our school year is finished, so naturally we've come to the point of 'Holy crap let's fit fifteen-hundred exams and assignments into the space of five days for fun lolz'. I happen to be on the receiving end of that.


Oh well, once that is over, I'm able to put in my master plan of getting a Limited Edition 3DS. And hopefully it will work.

And then I can save up for Skyward Sword and Ocarina of Time 3D.

Alright, enough rambling, I'd better let you get back to... Whatever it is you were doing.

Ta ta~